All your questions answered!
can I cancel?
Yes. Cancellations at least 48 hours in advance are possible with a cancellation charge of 30% of your shooting fee.
Cancellations within 48 hours are not possible and we’ll charge the full fee.
can I reschedule?
Yes. You can reschedule for an earlier or later time on the same date if the photographer’s available, free of charge.
We can arrange to reschedule for a different date with a fixed fee of ¥2500.
Rescheduling with less than 48 hours is not possible.
I'm late! what should I do?
Text or call your photographer immediately. Please note that if the photographer has another shooting scheduled on the same day, he might not be able to extend the shooting to accommodate your loss of time.
How can I PAY?
You may pay the 30% booking fee with PayPal.
The remaining may be paid in cash directly to your photographer on the day of the shooting.
what happens if it rains or snows?
The shooting will run as scheduled. Don't worry, rain and snow look great in photographs!
what about earthquakes, floods, tropical storms...
It’s Japan, so natural disasters may occur. In this case, you may cancel the shooting free of charge with a full refund.
when will my photos be ready?
You'll receive all your photos after 1 business week of the shooting day.
what format will the photos be?
You will receive high-resolution JPEG photos. No raw or printed options at the moment.
will you share my photos?
We love to feature our clients on our social media. But if you’re not comfortable with it, let us know.